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HPE Horizons 2023

Historical Political Economy (HPE) Horizons Conference 2023

The HPE Horizons Conference was held Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at the University of Chicago.

Many thanks to Austin Carson and the University of Chicago for hosting, and thanks to Cornell University for sponsoring the event!

The next HPE Horizons conference will be held at USC, in 2024.

HPE Horizons 2023: Presenters and Discussants

The Origins of Elite Persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France

Jean Lacroix, Université Paris Saclay

Discussant: Julieta Casas, Johns Hopkins

Bourbon Reforms and State Capacity in the Spanish Empire

Luis Martinez, University of Chicago Harris School

Discussant: Anil Menon, Cornell University

Railroads, Inequality, and Conflict: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Peru

Christopher Carter, University of Virginia

Discussant: Asli Cansunar, University of Washington

Postal Growth: How the State-Sponsored Post Affected Growth in France, 1500-1850

Yu Sasaki, Kanazawa University

Discussant: Tine Paulsen, USC

Explaining Urban Order: The Autocratic Origins of Africa's City Street Networks

Noah Nathan, MIT

Discussant: Joan Ricart-Huguet, Loyola University Maryland

The Political and Economic Effects of Progressive Era Reforms in U.S. Cities: Evidence from Newly Digitized Data

Maria Carreri, UCSD

Discussant: Scott Gehlbach, University of Chicago Harris School

Teachers against Landlords: Landlessness and Compliance with Compulsory Primary Education

Tugba Bozcaga, King's College London

Discussant: Ipek Cinar, University of Chicago

When Women Win: Land Lotteries and Individual Prospects in Georgia

Alexandra Cirone, Cornell University

Discussant: Dan Smith, Columbia University

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email the conference organizers, Ali Cirone ([email protected]) or Jeff Jenkins ([email protected]).