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Columbia University

Department of Political Science, Columbia University
International Affairs Building, 7th floor
420 West 118th Street, New York, NY 10027

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Teaching interests include graduate quantitative methods (causal inference, design-based inference and observational research designs, game theory), public policy and policy design, and European Politics. I also like to teach students about historical political economy, sensational statistics, and how to deal with fake news and disinformation on social media. For past teaching, see my CV.


Courses at Cornell

Post-Truth Politics (Undergraduate Lecture)

The Truth About Fake News (Undergraduate Seminar)

Game Theory I (PhD)

Natural Experiments (PhD)

Comparative Methods for Comparative Politics and International Relations (PhD)

Writing for Politics and Policy (Freshman Writing Seminar)

I also teach in the London School of Economics' new School of Public Policy (SPP). I have taught GV478: Political Science and Public Policy and Ec408 Quantitative Methods in the two year MPA program, and teach on the Executive MPP/MPA program.