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HPE Working Group

Historical Political Economy

Working Group

The next meeting will take place in 2024.

The Historical Political Economy (HPE) working group is a network of junior scholars (pre-tenure) who work on political science research that utilizes historical data, broadly defined. We started as an informal group of phd students on the east coast, and now we exist as a network that routinely meets to workshop papers and discuss current advances in the field. 

The point of the group is to provide feedback on early work in progress, as well as serve as a coordination point for organizing external conferences, panels, and collaborations on topics of historical political economy. Membership is limited to advanced ABDs, postdocs/fellows, and junior faculty; and the expectation of members is that they attend and contribute to at least one meeting a year.

We’ve met consistently since 2013, and past papers and participants can be found here: HPE Papers and Participants. We also meet for drinks at APSA.

I am the co-coordinator (along with Pavithra Suryanarayan) please feel free to contact us if you have interest in participating!







Dec 5, 2022: CES, Harvard University (cohosted by Volha Charnysh)

April 2021: Pandemic, via Zoom

HPE WG 2019 Workshop: September 2019, New York City

June 6, 2018: Washington, DC, SAIS (cohosted by Pavi Suryanarayan)

February 2, 2017 - London, LSE

June 6, 2017 - Washington, DC, SAIS (cohosted by Pavi Suryanarayan)

August 30-31, 2017 - San Francisco, APSA (cohosted by Agustina Paglayan)

We were also an APSA 2016 Working Group (the meeting agenda can be found here), and we organized a conference in May 2013 (the program can be found here: HWG Conference).